
AP 2024-25 Subject wise Important Questions PDF

Greek Alphabets Notation

Telugu Sandhulu & Samasalu | సంధులు: I. సంస్కృత సంధులు, II. తెలుగు సంధులు.

Explain with the help of an activity that current carrying wire produces magnetic field.

Draw a neat Diagram of DC Electric Motor and label its parts

Why do we use Fuses in Household Circuits?

What do you mean by electric shock? Explain how it takes place.

Explain Kirchoff's laws with examples.

Derive the expression for the Equivalent Resistance of three resistors connected in Parallel.

Derive the expression for the equivalent resistance of three resistors connected in Series.

What happens to the water when wet clothes dry?

Explain the procedure of finding Specific heat of a solid experimentally.

Write the differences between Evaporation and Boiling.