Explain the procedure of finding Specific heat of a solid experimentally.

Explain the procedure of finding Specific heat of a solid experimentally.
Determine the experment to find out the Specific heat of a solid.

Answer :

Aim : To find out the Specific Heat of a solid experimentally.
Apparatus : Calorimeter, Thermometer, Stirrer, Water, Steam Heater, Wooden box and Lead Shots.
Procedure :
  1. Measure the mass of calorimeter with stirrer = m1 gm
  2. Fill the water in Calorimeter and measure the mass  = m2 gm and mark it's temperature as T1.
  3. Mass of the water = (m2 - m1) gm.
  4. Take few lead shots in steam heater and heat up to 100℃. Let this temperature be T2.
  5. Pour lead shots into calorimeter and measure the final temperature T3.
  6. Mass of Calorimeter with Water and Leadshots is m3 gm. Mass of lead shots = (m3 - m2) gm.
  7. Consider the Specific Heats of Calorimeter, Lead shots and water be Sc, Sl and Sw respectively.
  8. We know that Heat lost by hot body = Heat gained by cold bodies.
    (m3 - m1)Sl(T2 - T3) = m1Sc(T3 - T1) + (m2 - m1)Sw(T3 - T1)

  9. Knowing the specific heats of calorimeter and water, we can calculate the Specific heat of given solid.
